Qualities of Our God
Our God is amazing. He rules all creation and empowers us to experience a fulfilling life. Learning how He does this helps us appreciate and love Him all the more.
Our God Performs Signs and Wonders
The Lord uses signs and wonders in multiple ways. God gives signed to confirm an event or assignment. Wonders reveal God’s power in our lives and resolve our situations.
Jesus Is Born
The Angels appeared before the shepherds in Bethlehem to proclaim that Jesus was born into the world. Their sign of glorious events was that they would find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger. The men visited baby Jesus and began praising God for sending their Savior.
Jesus Performs Miracles
When John the Baptist sent his disciples to confirm the identity of Jesus, He told them to return with a report of everything they saw. During their time, the disciples witness Jesus preach the Gospel and heal the blind and sick. These signs revealed that Jesus was the Savior prophesied to come and save humanity.
God’s Kingdom Is Eternal
God’s Kingdom is Eternal. It existed before humanity and will last after our world passes away. His Kingdom sets the standard of how God desires us to live on Earth and grow our relationship with Him.
Parable Of The Yeast
Jesus tells us through a parable that the Kingdom of God is like the yeast a woman uses in her dough. Despite the small amount used, the yeast can cause the loaf to rise while baking. The Kingdom of God is the same way. As we continue to learn his principles, we will rise and live the life God created us to experience.
Principles Of The Kingdom
Through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus outlines the way God desires us to live on Earth. By engaging with others in love and following the Lord, we can experience the benefits of His Kingdom in our lives and help others do the same.
God Rules Over Creation
Our God is the ruler of all creation. Knowing this empowers us to see His control over everything that happens and His ability to work everything for His good and ours.
Abraham and Israel
The Lord came to Abraham in a vision and told him the future of his descendants. The Israelites would become slaves in Egypt. And the Lord would free them after 400 years. Although these events occurred hundreds of years after Abraham’s death, it shows us God’s insight and power over history.
Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost
On the day of Pentecost, Peter tells the crowd that they were responsible for killing Jesus Christ – the Son of God and the Author of life. Despite their actions, Peter reveals that God used their intentions to save the world and bring everyone back to Him.
The Power Of God
There are many ways to describe our Lord. He made everything in creation and desires the best for us all. As we grow in our appreciation of Him, we can see His power in every part of our lives. And build a relationship with Him that will last forever.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of a Tree (Daniel 4)
Parable of The Yeast (Matthew 13)
Sermon On The Mount (Matthew 5-7)