About Us

Learn the history behind Wisdom In Christ and how we can help you grow closer to Jesus.

Why Do We Exist?

People across the globe are searching for meaning. They desire to know who they are and why they exist. This journey can lead them to relationships and opportunities that holds their attention instead of answering their heartfelt questions.

Wisdom In Christ is the solution to this problem. We desire to teach people across the globe that these answers are found through a relationship with Jesus. He will teach them who they are and how to experience a life of purpose and freedom.

What We Offer?

Through our ministry, you’ll find online programs, resources, and events that grow your relationship with Jesus. In the end, you’ll find everything you’re searching for and build an incredible relationship with a God that loves you beyond imagination.

The Story Of Bryan Boyd

Long before I was a pastor, I grew up as a kid in the inner city of Jacksonville, Florida. My only desire in life was to leave that environment by building a lasting career in technology. I dedicated several years of my life after high school tirelessly working to achieve this goal.

And once I did in 2019, I felt empty and unfilled. It made no sense. I graduated college and landed a job at one of the world’s largest tech companies. I was making more money than I could’ve imagined. And yet, it wasn’t enough.

The Call To Ministry

A few months later, the Lord began calling me to ministry. While I was shopping for a new suit, a man called me out in the store and asked if I was a pastor. Several days later, my former pastor mentioned that his good friend saw me at the men’s breakfast and assumed I was in ministry.

I resisted these remarks but deep down I knew they were true. I spent almost a year running from God to avoid this becoming my reality. In 2020, Covid hit our nation and people left the church in droves. As someone who loved the Lord, I wanted to encourage people that He was with them.

And provide a way for them to hear His Word beyond the church walls. This led me to create a podcast called Grounded which set the foundation for me accepting my purpose in ministry.

Changed Forever

Three years later, my life is completely different. I am now a pastor of Wisdom In Christ: a virtual ministry that empowers people globally. I am also a husband and father of an amazing family.

Although I’m still in technology, my aspirations for life are far greater. Now, I desire to lead people to truly know Jesus and open their minds to the life He offers.

-Bryan Boyd

How To Grow With Our Ministry?


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What Are People Saying?

I was introduced to Wisdom in Christ through a friend who recommended I join a virtual Bible Study Challenge led by Pastor and platform founder Bryan Boyd.

While I didn’t have any expectations, the experience was life-changing. I’ve struggled with being consistent with reading my Bible and with spending intentional time with God.

Attending the daily Bible Study gave me the community, encouragement, and accountability that I didn’t know that I needed.

I’d highly recommend checking out the Bible Study and the various resource guides that make studying less intimidating.