Forgiveness Is Necessary
Forgiveness is never easy. But it’s a necessary part of our Faith.
Through the Lord’s character, we can learn how to forgive others and continue building amazing relationships with the people in our lives.
Love Is The Key To Forgiveness
9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
The Lord is not easily angered. And He doesn’t remain angry with us. Our Father knows every detail about our lives and the fact that we make mistakes. Because of His abundant love, He’s patient with us and forgives us whenever we come to Him.
The Lord’s Promise To Israel
In Ezekiel, the Lord expresses His anger and grief towards Israel. The nation that He chose to represent His name on earth had become a place filled with idolatry and injustice. Although the Lord judged Israel for their sins, He promised to forgive them and bring them back to the land He gave them.
Jesus Shows Us Forgiveness
The life of Jesus is the greatest expression of God’s love and forgiveness. Although humanity turned away from the Lord, He sent Jesus to bring us back to Him. By dying on the cross, Jesus restored our relationship with God and gave us the power to live with Him forever.
Whenever we become angry with others, we must remember our love for them. This love will empower us to empathize with their flaws and forgive them for their mistakes.
Separate The Fault From The Person
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
Although we may have consequences for our sins, the Lord never punishes us according to them. If we apologize for our mistakes, God will forgive us without hesitation. Because of His love, He forgets our sins. And He continues to love us unconditionally.
David and Bathsheba
At the height of his power as the king of Israel, David slept with Bathsheba – the wife of Uriah the Hittite. After failing to cover up the pregnancy, David ordered Uriah to fight on the front lines of the war to lose his life.
Afterward, David took Bathsheba in as his wife and prepared to raise their child. David’s actions angered the Lord. And although they were worthy of death, the Lord forgave David and removed his sins. David later dealt with the consequences of his sins but lived the rest of his life as God’s chosen king.
The Lord teaches us to have mercy when people make mistakes. Although they may be deserving, we must forgive people and continue to love them beyond their actions.
Forgiveness Is Possible
Forgiveness is never easy. But it’s possible for us all to do. By loving others, we can move beyond our anger and become more patient with them. Through mercy, we can forgive others for their actions and love them without fault.
These are the keys to forgiveness. And by following our God, we’ll be able to do this continually.