Faith Is The Foundation
Faith is the foundation for our relationship with God. It empowers us to trust Him and fulfill the purpose He’s given us. But what is true faith? And how do we grow in it? We can learn by looking at the definition in Hebrews chapter 11.
Belief In Our God
And assurance about what we do not see.
We cannot physically see God. Although Jesus walked on the earth, there are so many sources that try to disprove his existence. This is where faith comes in. Despite everything that says otherwise, we must believe that God exists. And He sent His Son Jesus to restore our relationship with Him.
Faith To Hope In God
The author of Psalms 42 is in a tough time. He’s in a place of depression and sorrow. To make matters worse, the people around him questioned God and whether He truly existed or cared for him. Despite His problem, the author refuses to give in. He claims his faith in the Lord and encourages Himself to hope in Him.
Experiencing Jesus
After Jesus healed a man that born blind, he gave his testimony before the Pharisees. Although the man didn’t see Jesus, he knew God was with Him and empowered him to perform miracles. The man was tossed out because of his belief but later experienced a greater revelation. Jesus is the Son of God and He has the power to restore us all.
Although we cannot see God, we must believe He exists. This belief is the foundation of our faith and the hope we can place in Him.
Expectation For Our God
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for
We express our faith through expectation. It is the confidence to believe that God can and will fulfill His promises to us. In this case, we cannot be overwhelmed by what we see. Instead, we must call out to our God and trust that He can work everything out for us.
The Mountain and The Fig Tree
While leaving Bethany, the disciples were astonished to see the tree Jesus cursed three days before withering away. In response, Jesus tells them that nothing is impossible for those having faith in God. These people can even move mountains if they expect God will hear and answer their prayers.
Sun Stand Still
During his war with the Amorites, Joshua stood before the presence of God and commanded the sun to remain in the sky until they conquered their enemies. Although it was a bold expectation, God answered Joshua’s prayer and Israel won their battle in daylight.
We must have bold expectations for the God we serve. These expectations will grow our faith and empower us to trust Him in every situation.
Using Your Faith
Faith is the belief and expectation we have in God. We must believe that God exists and that He can do the impossible. With faith as our foundation, we can have an incredible relationship with Him and fulfill our dreams.